A comprehensive genre guide that explains the differences between different genres which come into play when querying or marketing books from Women’s Fiction spectrum. Learn how Literary differs from Commercial or Upmarket Fiction, what are the differences between Women’s Fiction with Romantic Elements and a straight-up Romance, and more…
Free for personal use. Please contact me for commercial use.
I run a private book club for writers of Women's, Contemporary, Historical, and Literary Fiction. We meet once a month to discuss books from writers' perspective.
We discuss things such as: narrative drive, character development, where the narrator stands in time, POV usage, backstory insertion, and much more.
Some of the recent books we read: Writers & Lovers by Lily King, The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo, The Paper Palace by Miranda Heller Cowley, and Small Pleasures by Clare Chambers.
Writers’ Book Club
Our Facebook group is a lively and inclusive place :)
Note: In order to keep the discussions inclusive, the admission is currently closed.